Case o' The Week: Bad Facts Make Good Law -- Yuman-Hernandez and Sentencing Entrapment
The Ninth delivers an opinion that has everything we could want: thoughtful
clarification of a defense theory that helps ease our burden, rejection of a
government approach that would make a defense functionally impossible, and a stern
warning that the Circuit takes a “hard look” at a particularly troubling
category of cases.

Players: Decision by Judge Goodwin, joined by Judge Fletcher and
visiting District Judge
Facts: Yuman-Hernandez was convicted of
conspiracy to rob a stash house and use of a firearm. Id. at *1. An agent, pretending to be a courier, met with the heavy
and his “crew” – including Yuman-Hernandez – and planned a robbery of a (fake)
stash house “containing” over 20 kg. of cocaine. Id. Yuman-Hernandez had an opportunity to withdraw, and didn’t. Id. He recruited a co-defendant. Id. He also drove the heavy, to get marijuana
to trade for an assault rifle for the robbery. Id. A co-defendant testified the heavy told Yuman-Hernandez he’d
get paid when the cocaine was sold. Id.
At sentencing, the district court found Yuman-Hernandez had not met his burden
to prove sentencing entrapment argument, and imposed the mand-min sentence of 180
Issue(s): “Yuman–Hernandez appeals his . . .
mandatory-minimum sentence, assigning error to the district court's rejection of
his sentencing entrapment argument. He argued a lack of predisposition to
commit an offense involving the amount of cocaine charged, and was thus
entrapped.” Id. at *1.
Held: “Yuman–Hernandez
takes issue with what he perceives to be a lack of evidence showing an
affirmative predisposition to commit a crime involving twenty to twenty-five
kilograms of cocaine. But Yuman–Hernandez ignores the fact that it was his
burden to show a lack of predisposition. The district court's finding was
reasonable in light of this burden. Yuman–Hernandez complains most forcefully that
he was not financially capable of purchasing the amount of cocaine at issue.
But his ability to purchase any given amount of cocaine is not relevant. Instead,
the predisposition-capability concerned here is that to conspire with others to
take the amount of cocaine involved by force. His argument fails even if the
question is construed as whether he lacked predisposition to handle a large amount
of cocaine. He was involved as a member of a stick-up crew; there is no
indication he would have been expected to deal or otherwise offload the cocaine
by himself after the robbery. Testimony showed [the heavy] intended to sell the
cocaine himself and distribute the proceeds — Yuman-Hernandez needed only provide
muscle. While the question of his capability to steal twenty to twenty-five
kilograms as opposed to some smaller amount is less enlightening in this context,
the cumulative evidence tended to not only rebut any argument that he lacked
intent, but in fact show the affirmative existence of intent. Further, Yuman–Hernandez
offered no evidence to suggest otherwise—a fatal error in light of his burden. Thus,
the district court did not abuse its discretion in rejecting the sentencing
entrapment argument.” Id. at *3.
Of Note: Loss for this defendant, but this great opinion is a
defense win. Judge Goodwin untangles the confusion surrounding sentencing
entrapment. He clarifies that in the context of fake stash house robberies, it
is not the defendant’s burden to
establish both a lack of intent and a lack of capability. Id. at *3. [I]n the case of fictitious
stash house robberies, the defendant need only show a lack of intent or lack of capability to deal in the
quantity of drugs charged.” Id. at
Judge Goodwin also explains that “outrageousness is not itself an independent prong of
sentencing entrapment.” Id. Very
important holding: a case needn’t be “outrageous” for sentencing entrapment to
be a viable defense theory.
How to
Use: The Ninth gives sting operations with
stash houses a “hard look.” Id. at
*3. You should give Yuman-Hernandez a
hard look if you have such a case, or any sentencing entrapment issue: it is a
lead decision.

Image of “Stash
House” from
Image of
Uncle Sam and sequestration scissors from
Kalar, Federal Public Defender N.D. Cal. Website at
Labels: Burden of Proof, Entrapment, Goodwin, Outrageous Government Conduct, Sentencing Entrapment, Stash House, W. Fletcher
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