Case o' The Week: Ten Years for a Misdemeanor - Shill and "Sexual Activity" in Section 2422(b)

In the
Seventh Circuit, enticing a minor over the internet to visit a museum and view
the “Rape of Europa” is not “sexual activity” that will trigger a ten-year
mandatory minimum federal sentence. United
States v. Taylor, 604 F.3d 255, 257 (7th Cir. 2011) (Posner, J.)
the Ninth? Avoid the Titian wing. United
States v. Shill, 2014 WL 259872 (9th Cir. Jan. 24, 2014),
decision available here.
Players: Decision by Judge Tallman, joined
by Judge Bea and DJ Murphy. Hard-fought appeal by D. Or. AFPD Lisa Hay.
Facts: Forty-five year old Shill
approached a 16-year old girl, and complimented her on her appearance. Id. at *1. A Facebook friend request
followed, the girl reported Shill to the police, and an FBI agent – posing as
the girl – took over email communication with Shill. Id. at *1. Shill had sexually-explicit online chats with the agent
and enticed the “girl” to have sex with him. Id. He arranged to meet the “girl” at a train station, and
agreed to bring condoms and alcohol. Id.
When arrested at the station, Shill had on his person condoms, the phone used to send sexually
explicit photos and messages to the “girl,” and in Shill’s car the agents found
flowers, Viagra, alcohol, and additional condoms. Id.
Shill was charged with using the internet to entice a minor, 18
USC § 2422(b). The indictment alleged Shill had enticed a minor to commit two misdemeanor sex offenses. Id.
Shill moved to dismiss the
indictment and raised an Eighth Amendment challenge, based on a ten-year
mandatory minimum sentence triggered by misdemeanor conduct. Id. at *2. Both motions were denied. While
the district court observed that it would have sentenced Shill to the guideline
range of seventy months, it held it was required to impose the 120 month
mand-min. Id.
Issue(s): “Shill contends that the district
court should have dismissed the indictment. Specifically, Shill challenges the
following language in § 2422(b): “any sexual activity for which any person can
be charged with a criminal offense[.]” According to Shill, this language is
ambiguous, vague, inconsistent with Congress's expressed intent, and leads to
the 'absurd' result that misdemeanor conduct is punishable by a ten-year
sentence under federal law. Shill argues that § 2422(b) should be construed
narrowly to preclude prosecution where the attempted sexual activity is a
misdemeanor as opposed to a felony.” Id.
at *2.
Held: “As Shill notes,
the phrase [“criminal offense”] is not defined in the federal criminal code.
Nonetheless, we presume that Congress legislates in light of relevant case law
and familiar legal definitions . . . Thus, Shill’s actions, while a misdemeanor
in the Oregon legal system, nonetheless constitute a ‘criminal offense’ under §
2422(b). We decline to embrace Shill’s narrow interpretation of the statute,
which belies the plain meaning of the term ‘criminal offense.’” Id. at *2. “We hold that § 2422(b)
clearly and unambiguously criminalizes attempted sexual activity where the
object of the attempt would amount to either a misdemeanor or felony under
state law.” Id. at *5.
Of Note: In Taylor, the Judge Posner persuasively writes for the Seventh
Circuit and flatly rejects the Ninth’s very broad reading of § 2242(b), worrying that such an expansive interpretation
could trigger ten-year mand-mins for “watching a pornographic movie, or a pole
dancer, or a striptease artist,” or “flirting” or “flashing.” 640 F.3d 255, 257 (7th Cir. 2011) ("Is watching . . . Aubrey Beardsley's
pornographic sketches, or Titian's 'Rape of Europa,' or 'Last Tango in
Paris' a 'sexual activity'?")
Ninth isn’t similarly worried, because the misdemeanor conduct in the statute
must occur in the context of interstate commerce. Id. *3. (A limitation that apparently didn’t occur to Judge Posner, given the
ease with which interstate nexus is triggered in the modern world).
Shill creates a
Circuit split and tolerates ten-year mandatory minimum exposure for misdemeanor conduct: it merits en banc review.
How to
Use: Client + Minor + Internet = read Shill. A ten-year mand-min now depends
on the breadth of your state’s misdemeanor code: exposure that dramatically
affects the risk-benefit analysis of motions and trial.

of Titian’s “Rape of Europa” from
of Romeo and Juliet from
Kalar, Federal Public Defender N.D Cal. Website at
Labels: Bea, Eighth Amendment, Rule of Lenity, Section 2242(b), Sex Offenders, Tallman