Case o' The Week: Ninth Has Patience of Jobe for (Long) Delayed Search Warrant - Jobe, Herring, and Search Delays
(Rotten Herring).
United States v. Royce Jobe, 2019 WL 3757596 (9th Cir. Aug. 9, 2019), decision available
Decision by visiting DJ Korman, joined by Judges Wardlaw and Hurwitz.
Hard-fought appeal by AFPD Margaret Farrand, CD Cal FPD.
Facts: DHS Special Agent Paul Cotcher got a state warrant
for Jobe’s residence, on suspicion of a marijuana distribution. Id. Among other things, the search
produced a laptop that was seized, but not searched. Id.
Cotcher then convinced the Feds to take the
case. Nearly three weeks later, he got a federal search warrant for the
laptop. Id. Twenty days after it was
seized, the laptop was finally searched. Id.
That search produced evidence leading to federal charges. Id.
The district judge granted Jobe’s suppression
motion, finding unreasonable delay before the federal warrant was secured and laptop
was searched. Id. at *2.
government appealed. Id.
Issue(s): “Jobe argues that even if the seizure of the
laptop under the state warrant does not provide a basis for exclusion, the
twenty-day delay between that seizure and the subsequent execution of the
federal search warrant justifies suppression.” Id. at *2.
Held: 1.
P.C. in State Warrant, and Herring: “We accept that there
was insufficient probable cause to seize the laptop. The state judge lacked a substantial
basis for concluding that probable cause existed to seize the laptop because
Cotcher’s affidavit did not mention a computer or any electronic devices, much
less state any facts suggesting that Jobe’s laptop would likely contain
evidence of a marijuana growing operation. . . . Nevertheless, Cotcher’s
affidavit supporting the state warrant contained sufficient information to
render his reliance on the warrant reasonable.” Id. at *2.
2. Delay: “Even
assuming that the delay was unreasonable, we disagree.” Id. at *2. “[United States v. Cha, 597 F.3d 995, 1003 (9th Cir. 2010)]
is our only prior decision addressing
the issue posed in Herring in the
context of delays.” Id. at *3. “Cha and Herring . . . explain that suppression is warranted to deter
deliberate, reckless, or grossly negligent conduct.” Id.
Of Note: Special Agent Paul Cotcher illegally seized a
laptop, despite an acknowledged lack of probable cause in the state search warrant. The
Ninth, however, finds reliance on the state warrant “reasonable.” Id. at *2.
SA Cotcher then held the
illegally-seized laptop for nearly three weeks, before finally getting a
warrant authorizing a search. The district court (appropriately) suppressed. Although
the Ninth grudgingly concedes that “Cotcher could have been more efficient in
preparing an application” for the federal search, the Circuit still reverses the district court’s grant
of the suppression motion, again citing Herring.
As predicted a decade ago, Herring is
methodically hollowing-out Fourth Amendment remedies – and by extension, Fourth
Amendment protections.
How to Use:
Three weeks! That’s an awfully long
time for SA Cotcher to sit on an (illegally) seized laptop, before he and the
USAO finally get around to getting a second warrant. District Judge Korman spends much
of the opinion trying to distinguish Judge Beezer’s decision in Cha – a case where a one day delay merited suppression.
Delayed-warrant search cases in the Ninth are now going to have to wrestle with
the awkward spectrum of Jobe and Cha: start with this unwieldy pair of
opinions when the dust is thick on your client’s seized evidence.

Two years
ago, NorCal’s U.S. Attorney’s Office charged 37 (all black) defendants in a
Tenderloin “Safe Schools” initiative. After litigation, the USAO dismissed the cases in the face of a
racial-profiling discovery motion by the FPD’s office (and an order compelling discovery production by the Honorable Judge Edward Chen). See “For Further Reading,” at
blog entry here.
Five days ago,
U.S. Attorney David Anderson announced “F.I.T.”: a new “Federal Initiative for
the Tenderloin.” See N.D. Cal. USAO Press
Release here. Thirty-two defendants have been charged federally thus far, though notably, another 73 were arrested by S.F. cops in the Tenderloin last week.
of surströmming from
Image of Tenderloin mural from
Steven Kalar, Federal Public Defender, N.D. Cal. FPD. Website at
Labels: Fourth Amendment, Good Faith, Herring, Probable Cause - Seizure, Search Warrants
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