Case o' The Week: Cops "Preston" Interrogation Techniques -- Preston En Banc and Involuntary Confessions
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Hon. Marsha Berzon |
right against compulsory self-incrimination is the mainstay of our adversary
system of criminal justice and one of the great landmarks in man’s struggle to
make himself civilized.”
sentiment. And, in our beloved Ninth, also the law. United States v. Preston, 2014 WL 1876269, *6 (9th Cir. May
12, 2014) (en banc) (quotations and citation omitted), decision available here.
Players: Decision by Judge Berzon, joined
by Chief Judge Kozinski, Judge Reinhardt, Judge Noonan, Judge Thomas, Judge
Graber, Judge Wardlaw, Judge Gould, Judge Baez, Judge Christen, and Judge
Watford. Concurring decisions by Judges Graber and Gould.
Facts: Preston was 18 with an IQ of 65. Id. at *1. An 8-year old child of a neighboring
family accused Preston of sexual assault. No forensic evidence supported the allegation.
Id. at *2.
Police interrogated
Preston for forty minutes at his home. Id.
at *2. They quickly became aware of Preston’s mental disability. Id. Nonetheless, the officers badgered him to admit that he was
at his house on the day of the alleged assault until Preston finally agreed (he
actually was not). Id. at *3-*4. The officers
got him to write out a confession, misleading him as to its purpose. Id. at *5. The officers confronted
Preston with a series of questions that required him to choose between two
incriminating alternatives – the boy repeatedly chose the least incriminating
answer. Id. at *4. Preston filed and
lost a suppression motion, then agreed to waive a jury trial. He was convicted
of abusive sexual contact after a three day bench trial. Id. at *5. A three-judge panel affirmed, over a compelling dissent
by Judge Noonan. See blog here.
Issue(s): Under the Ninth’s 1991 Derrick v. Peterson decision, must the Court
determine “first whether the police’s conduct here was inherently coercive,
and, if not, [must the Court hold] the confession voluntary without regard to
the likely impact on an individual with Preston’s mental characteristics [?]” Id. at *8.
Held: “[T]o the
extent that Derrick held that the
issue of police coercion during interrogations must be evaluated without regard
to the individual circumstances of the suspect, it cannot be reconciled with
prior opinions of this Court or with binding Supreme Court precedent . . . we
now explicitly hold that Derrick is
no longer good law and overrule it . . . .” Id.
at *9. “[T]he officers’ use of the methods employed here to confuse and compel
a confession from the intellectually disabled eighteen-year old before us
produced an involuntary confession . . . we conclude the district court erred
in admitting Preston’s confession.” Id.
at *15-*16.
Of Note: Preston is gorgeous legal
writing. Read it first to enjoy Judge Berzon’s practical explanation of why we
care about the voluntariness of confessions, and her admonitions about the
rigor required for the analysis. See id.
at *8 (explaining that it is irrelevant to the question of voluntariness
whether the confessor in fact spoke the truth).
Then read it again for a
seminal new rule: the defendant’s individual characteristics now matter at the outset of the voluntariness
inquiry. This is a major development – Preston
is a must-read.
How to
Use: The “Reid Technique” teaches interrogation
to cops. Id. at *12, see also the Reid web page here. The officers here used Reid interrogation techniques. Id. When the three-judge panel affirmed this shoddy interrogation,
Reid posted the decision on its web page.
In this en banc decision, Judge
Berzon carefully dissects the “Reid technique” and hammers the officers’ deviations
from the manual. Id. at *12. It is a
beautiful script for a cross (with an en
banc imprimatur). Buy the Reid manual, read Preston at *12 - *15, remind
your D.J. that the jury shall hear relevant evidence on the issue of
voluntariness, 18 U.S.C. § 3501(a), and look forward to crossing the interrogating
cop at trial.
Further Reading: Preston’s single most
important fact? The officers “began
recording their interaction with Preston within ‘one or two minutes’ of
approaching him.” Id. at *2, *9. Without
that recording, the Court would have never known the extent of the coercion in
the case – this mentally-disabled kid would have lost a swearing match with the
police in an evidentiary hearing.
This is a second time in only a month that
the recording of a confession gave
the Ninth the true facts of the case – and revealed the real abuses that go on with
interrogations. See blog on
Ramirez-Estrada, here
It is travesty that federal agents are still allowed to not record confessions. For a blunt indictment of this shameful practice, see a compelling commentary here.
of Judge Berzon from
Kalar, Federal Public Defender N.D. Cal. Website at
Labels: Berzon, En Banc, Interrogation, involuntary statements, Mental Health, Voluntariness of Confession
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