Wednesday, March 29, 2017

US v. Plascencia-Orozco, No. 15-50238 (3-29-17)(Bea w/Callahan & Ikuta).  The 9th addresses a series of interesting issues raised by a defendant who attempted to illegally reenter the United States, thereby breaching a prior plea agreement.

In 2008, defendant pled guilty to an importation charge. The plea dismissed aggravated identity theft and attempted reentry charges (defendant had many other prior immigration charges). The plea agreement stated that the defendant must not seek to illegal reenter again. He did. The gov’t sought breach, got a ruling, and convicted.

The 9th affirmed the convictions.  It found that defendant had breached.  He had the opportunity to challenge the breach through pretrial motions.  The 9th held as well that (1) the court did not err in not appointing a fourth lawyer to represent the defendant (bar complaints were filed against prior counsel); (2) the court did not err in not conducting an evidentiary hearing regarding jury bias after the defendant while testifying made an obscene gesture during a sidebar; (3) the issue of breach did not have to go the jury; (4) the prosecutor's err in asking defendant whether another witness lied was remedied by instructions; and (5) the sentence (184 months) was not unreasonable.  The 9th vacated the court's order that the defendant must use his legal name.

The opinion does state that there is a conflict on the standard of review for a breach of plea.  Some cases require de novo of a breach, with deference to facts while others require a review for clear error.  The opinion sidesteps, saying that under any standard, a breach occurred.

The decision is here:


Blogger Unknown said...

Sedikit berbagi pengalaman siapa tau bermanfaat
Sudah berkali-kali saya mencari tempat yang menyediakan pesugihan Uang Gaib,mungkin lebih dari 15 kali saya mencari paranormal mulai dari daerah jawa Garut,Sukabumi, cirebon, semarang, hingga pernah sampai ke bali ,namun tidak satupun berhasil, niat mendapat uang dengan jalan pintas namun yang ada malah kehabisan uang hingga puluhan juta, suatu hari saya sedang iseng buka-buka internet dan menemukan website dari Kyai.Syekh Abdul Muhyi, sebenarnya saya ragu-ragu jangan sampai sama dengan yang lainnya tidak ada hasil juga, saya coba konsultasikan dan bertanya meminta petunjuk pesugihan apa yang bagus dan cepat untuk saya, nasehatnya pada saya hanya disuruh YAKIN dan melaksanakan apa yang di sampaikan pak.Kyai Semua petunjuk saya ikuti dan hanya 1 hari Alhamdulilah akhirnya 2Miliar yang saya tunggu-tunggu tdk mengecewakan, yang di janjikan cair keesokan harinya, kini saya sudah melunasi hutang-hutang saya dan saat ini saya sudah memiliki usaha sendiri di jakarta, setiap kali ada teman saya yang mengeluhkan nasibnya, saya sering menyarankan untuk menghubungi Kyai. (Syekh Abdul Muhyi) di 0853.9899.6887 jika ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi Kyai.Syekh Abdul Muhyi 100% memberikan bukti bukan janji Atau Rekayasa Demi allah ini kisah nyata saya...

Saturday, April 01, 2017 5:39:00 PM  

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